Arts Connection amplifies creative voices, advancing policies, funding, and opportunities that ensure equitable access to arts, culture, and economic growth for all.
Arts Connection provides fiscal sponsorships, empowering artists and organizations with funding access, administrative support, and resources to launch and sustain impactful creative projects.
Arts Connection empowers learners by integrating arts into education, fostering creativity, critical thinking, and cultural awareness through community-driven programs and partnerships.
Estudio Aire is an Artist-In-Residence program located in San Bernardino, hosted by Arts Connection. Our program meets emerging and mid-career artists from our local communities where they have access to a self-contained studio space that is accessible 24/7 that they can use during their two (2) month residency. Artists are encouraged to engage with the community by creating a culminating “event or happening” during their residency. These events are centered on the artist's practice and help create communities of belonging. Artists in Residency (AIR’s) are provided with a finacial stipend, free use of materials in the studio, and are supported with technical skills development through mentoring and personalized workshops. Estudio Aire’s goal is to meet artists where they are at in their artistic journey and provides customized professional and career development to help create a self sustainable future for themselves.
ARTS Avenue, previously known as After School Artist In Residency (AIR) Program, is an after school program which provides free arts and culture workshops to youth K-12. Our workshops include a variety of different disciplines, such as painting, drawing, ceramics, photography, dance, creative writing, music, and more! Arts Connection works with local professional artists to provide rewarding cultural experiences to students at multiple school sites.
Poetry Out Loud is a FREE program for High School students where they select poems from the National Poetry Foundation Anthology, memorize, interpret, and recite them in competitions. Winners advance from classroom to nationals, with cash prizes available at each level. Two winners from each competition move to Regionals, where one winner progresses to States, and the State Winner competes nationally. Presented in partnership with various organizations, it encourages high school students to learn about poetry through memorization and performance, with resources available at poetryoutloud.org. Arts Connection has hosted the program for the past seven years.